As a professional child sleep consultant who has worked with many families over the years, I know how hard it can be for parents to figure out their child’s sleep. It is common for parents to seek guidance and support.
Being a parent can feel like you’re caught in a storm of different ideas about what’s best for your child’s sleep. And it’s your job to make sense of it all. This is why I want to clear up some misunderstandings about what child sleep consultants do. These myths can prevent families from getting the help they need to establish healthy sleep habits for their children.
So, let’s clear the confusion that parents hold about our role. In this article, we will debunk some of these myths, providing a clearer understanding of the essential work that child sleep consultants really do and how we can help.
Let’s get started!
Myth 1: Sleep Consultants Only Support the ‘Cry It Out’ Method
One of the biggest myths about child sleep consultants is that we promote the ‘Cry It Out’ method. This method usually gets a lot of attention when people talk about sleep training and it is related to letting your child cry as long as needed until he or she falls asleep. Hearing our babies cry tugs at our heartstrings, and the barrage of contradicting information on the effects of crying doesn’t help the matter.
The fact is, child sleep consultants are as unique as the families we help. While some might suggest the ‘cry it out’ method, most of us, including myself, choose to use gentle approaches.
Believe it or not, there is a world of gentle sleep training methods beyond ‘CIO’ that are not only simple to use but are also impressively effective. When you give your little one the right kind of support and just enough space to figure out how to transition into sleep, they tend to learn to do that remarkably fast.
As a child sleep consultant, my aim is to offer a variety of strategies based on sound research. This includes gentle techniques, slow changes, and being responsive to your baby’s needs. Together with the parents, we find a way that aligns with their parenting style and fosters healthy sleep habits.
So let’s set the record straight on this myth and make sleep training a less intimidating journey for any parent and their baby.
Myth 2: Sleep Training Means No More Night Feedings
Many parents believe that sleep training will mean eliminating all night feedings. Especially when it comes to infants, these parents often worry that sleep training will force their baby to go through the entire night without any food. However, this assumption is far from the truth.
In reality, the requirement for night feedings is based on a variety of factors, such as the child’s age, weight, overall health, and specific nutritional needs. For instance, newborns and younger infants typically need to feed during the night, while older babies who are eating solids may be capable of sleeping for longer periods without feeding.
A responsible child sleep consultant will take all of these factors into account and ask parents to consult with their pediatrician before designing a sleep plan for their child.
If night feedings are necessary for your child’s well-being, they will certainly be included in the sleep plan. The ultimate goal of sleep training is to support healthy sleep habits that are appropriate for the child’s age and development.
Additionally, it’s important to note that the transition away from night feedings, when appropriate, is generally a gradual process. After consulting the child’s pediatrician, child sleep consultants can provide guidance on how to gently reduce night feedings as the child grows and starts to consume more during the day.
Myth 3: All Babies Should Sleep Through the Night
Parents often believe that babies ‘should’ be sleeping through the night by a certain age. Contrary to what it implies, no one, neither infants nor adults, sleeps without any interruptions throughout the night. In fact, it is completely normal to wake up between 3-6 times each night! However, a person who is an independent sleeper, be it a baby or an adult, is one who can fall back asleep on their own after these routine nocturnal awakenings. And, there are many techniques and methods to help infants, toddler and children sleep all night without requesting their parents’ attention.
In addition to that, parents often fall into the trap of believing that their babies should be sleeping all night by a certain age. This belief can generate unwarranted stress and anxiety. In reality, “sleeping through the night” varies significantly from child to child. Some may sleep for six continuous hours, while others may sleep for longer or shorter durations.
As child sleep consultants, we aid in interpreting the child’s unique sleep patterns. We develop personalized strategies to foster longer sleep periods, adjusting to your child’s development and specific needs. Let’s collectively dispel this myth and encourage a more nuanced understanding of what “sleeping through the night” truly means.
Remember, sleep patterns are individual, not universal, and we’re here to guide you through understanding and nurturing your child’s distinct sleep habits.
Myth 4: A Child Sleep Consultant Will Judge My Parenting
Parenting is a unique and personal journey, and as a child sleep consultant, I recognize and respect that. My role is not to judge your parenting choices but rather to provide guidance, support, and evidence-based information. Our objective is to work with your existing parenting style and family dynamic, offering practical suggestions to improve your child’s sleep habits. Remember, my goal is to empower you as a parent and offer tools that can enhance your child’s sleep without judgment or criticism.
Myth 5: Hiring a Child Sleep Consultant Means I have Failed as a Parent
This is one of the most harmful myths out there. Struggling with your child’s sleep doesn’t mean you’re failing as a parent; it simply means you’re dealing with a common parenting challenge. As child sleep consultants, we believe seeking help is a sign of strength and love for your child. We provide expert guidance, helping you navigate through this phase with confidence.
Myth 6: Child Sleep Consultants Only Work with Babies
While much of our work does revolve around infants, sleep consultants can help children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers. Sleep issues can arise at any age due to various factors like changes in routine, school-related stress, or health issues. No matter your child’s age, a sleep consultant can provide tailored strategies to address their sleep problems.
Myth 7: Child Sleep Consultants Need to Stay Overnight at Your Home
A fairly common myth among parents is that hiring a child sleep consultant means inviting them to stay and work through the night in your home, magically teaching your baby to sleep. However, this idea is far from reality.
In fact, most child sleep consultants’ work doesn’t require overnight stays. Instead, their work typically starts with a single consultation during the day, either through a video call or in-person. This is where they get to understand your baby’s sleep habits and challenges. Using this information, they create a plan that’s specially designed for your child.
After this consultation, you are not left to navigate the plan on your own. Sleep consultants usually stay available to provide follow-up support.
So, the role of a child sleep consultant is not about taking over your home overnight. Instead, they’re there to give expert advice and support, helping you guide your child towards better sleep. This partnership can make your child’s journey to better sleep less stressful and more successful.
Related article: How to Find the Right Sleep Consultant?
Child sleep consultants aim to provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment to help families navigate through their child’s sleep challenges. Every child is unique, and their sleep needs will change as they grow. By dispelling these common myths, I hope all parents will feel comfortable reaching out to professionals for guidance, reassurance, and expert help in fostering healthy sleep habits. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and we are here to help.
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